Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Decree (perbup) No. 33 year 2008 about ten habituation noble character in of school

1. Dutiful to parents and teachers
2. dressed Muslim
3. Maintaining a learning adab in accordance with Islamic religious guidance
a. Read the greeting when entering the classroom
b. Prayed `a beginning and end of lessons
c. Musopahah to teachers
4. Read and memorize alqur `an
a. Reading Al-qur `an before the start of the first lessons on an ongoing basis.
b. Reading Al-qur `an and hadith according setandar basic competencies (SKKD) in each subject.
c. Memorize Al-Quran Juz Amma at least, juz the first and second chapters of SMP / MTs. Juz Amma, uz the first and second for the SMA / SMK / MA and
5. Maintaining personal hygiene and the environment by carrying out the operation is clean, well dibimbingoleh teachers or individually
6. Establish obligatory prayer and circumcision
a. Founded the Duha prayer at the first break activities.
b. Establishing midday prayers and Asr in congregation is forwarded to the dhikr together tailored to pelaksanaa learning.
c. Lail Qiamul executed at least once a month according to the conditions.
7. Implement ta `lim and religious lectures of which involve elements KAUA, MUI and local ulama kiai or satukali least a month.
8. Used to implement early infaq either insidentilmauoun routine through zakat collector unit (UPZ) in each educational unit
9. Lent and Lent implement mandatory circumcision
10. "Unpatriotic" by conducting activities to realize the love of the homeland through activities such as PRAMUKA IQOMAH and extra-curricular activities and b other Islamic cultural fabric.

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